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Transurban CityLink

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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Owners of the CityLink electronic toll road network in Melbourne.
Transurban Group is a toll road owner and operator with interests in Security holders representing 15.76% of issued capital have elected to participate in the latest Transurban DRP. Transurban has released its traffic and revenue data for the December quarter.
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Page title:Transurban Group
Keywords:Transurban, Active traffic management and forecasting, Full electronic toll collection, Customer service, Concession management, Financial management and Project delivery
Description:Transurban is a leading international toll road developer and investor with major assets in Australia and emerging interests in North America. The company focuses on the long-term ownership and management of advanced electronic toll roads. Transurban's key areas of expertise include: Active traffic management and forecasting, Full electronic toll collection, Customer service, Concession management, Financial management and Project delivery.