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The Fane of the Psilocybe Mushroom

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Description: Contains quotes, definitions, and other tidbits about mushrooms and their use.
The Fane of the Psilocybe Mushroom  THE FANE OF THE PSILOCYBE MUSHROOM   Whichever way you turn, a voice behind you will say: "This is the way, walk into it". Isa 30:21 
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Page title:The Fane of the Psilocybe Mushroom
Keywords:fane,fourth way, mystic,mushroom, sacrament, psilocybe,psilocybin,psilocyn,religion,mystical school,consciousness, mind,consciousness expansion,cosmic consciousness,spirit,metaphysics, seeker,mycology,sanctuary, sacred, great mystery of existence, mystery, existence, shamanism, gnosis, gordon wasson,albert hoffman, aldous huxley, richard alpert, timothy leary, humphrey osmond, ralph metzner,psychedelic, entheogen, hallucinogen,empathogen,phantasticant,stropharia,copelandia,panaeolus, enlightenment, religious practice, mystical experience,free exercise of religion, set and setting,dream,illusion,chemicals,magic mushroom,ram dass,fungus, psychedelia,religious freedom,first amendment,spiritual practices
Description:The Fane of the Psilocybe Mushroom is a fourth way mystical school that celebrates the mushroom sacrament as the most sublime and gracefully efficient access to the expansion of consciousness