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Mechanical Aids to Calculation

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Description: History on the first automatic totalizer by Sir George Julius, mechanical aids to calculation - extracts of a paper presented to the Institution of Engineers Australia in 1920.
totaliser ( totalizer ) history - an Australian Achievement - Aids to Calculation This is one of several pages relating to the history of the automatic totaliser, its invention in 1913, the inventor George Julius and the Australian company he founded in 1917 which became a monopoly (later an oligopoly) in this field. This page contains extracts from a paper presented to the Institution of Engineers Australia in 1920 titled mechanical aids to calculation. If you wish to start from the beginning then
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Page title:totaliser ( totalizer ) history - an Australian Achievement - Aids to Calculation
Keywords:totaliser, totalizer, history, driving, horse, race, Institution of Engineers, Australia, calculator, calculating, mechanical, adding, racecourse, selling, betting, ticket, wheel, spring, gear, escapement, coil, printing, impulses, course, crowd, indicator, locks, George Julius, screw, nut, machines, logarithms, instruments, mathematical, machine, issuing, paper, development, recording, add, operators, racecourses, grand, total, counter, booths, electric, installation, marbles, racks, numeration, epicyclic
Description:The invention of the world's first automatic totalizer by Sir George Julius, Mechanical Aids to Calculation - extracts of a paper presented to the Institution of Engineers Australia in 1920